Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Children's Service Arrival

How can it be!
The children's Christmas service is already here! The sixth grade students will need to meet in our classroom at 4:40 on Wednesday afternoon. We will lining up to go into church by 4:50 so it is very important that your child is on time to the classroom. Please remember that your child is expected to be in both the 5:00 & 7:00 services. Thank you for your help and have a Blessed, Christ-filled Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Party Treat List

Sixth Grade Christmas Celebration
Tuesday, December 21

Below is a list of suggestions for what you could send to help the kids celebrate Christmas! I understand if you are unable to or would like to make a substitution.
If you are able, please send the item along with your child to our classroom on Tuesday!
If you are bringing a drink, label it and put it in the MultiPurpose Room fridge.

Thank you!

Jon B. 1 Bag Pretzels
Justin B. 1 Bag Pretzels
Lexi B. Popcorn
Zach B. 1 Box Crackers
Noah B. 1 Box Crackers
Kyle B. 1 Box Crackers
Brian B. 1 Bag Nacho Chips
Matthew C. 1 Bag Nacho Chips
Jacob D. 1 Bottle Beverage
Brianna E. 1 Bottle Beverage
Kaylee G. 1 Bottle Beverage
Mitchel H. 1 Bottle Beverage
Collin J. Sweets (Cookies, bars, etc)
Justin J. Sweets (Cookies, bars, etc)
Skylar K. 1 Jar Salsa
Ashley L. 1 Jar Salsa
Mya M. Plates for 30
Joey R. Cups for 30
Michael R. Veggies
Anna S. Veggies
Abbie S. Veggies
Elle V. Cheese – (sliced)
Megan W. Cheese – (sliced)
Alec W. 1 Stick Sausage (sliced)
Tyler W. 1 Stick Sausage (sliced)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Party

I know this is late, but I am looking for a parent or two who would be willing to quickly arrange "snacks" for our Christmas Party on Tuesday afternoon. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP.

Mr. Frique

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Field Trip on Monday, December 13th


We have been given tickets to attend A Christmas Carol at Wisconsin Lutheran College on Monday, December 13th. We will depart from school at 11:20. If you are interested in being a chaperon please contact me. Chaperons are being asked to contribute $4 to defray the cost of the bus. We need three chaperons. If you have any questions please contact me by email or phone. Thanks.

Mr. Frisque

Jr Choir Sings

Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, December 12th. We warm up promptly at 7:55 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child there on time. We singing immediately following the bells at 8:15. Thank you for your help!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder:
This year in sixth grade we will be having the students present their portfolios to their parents at the conferences. So, yes, your child will need to attend the Student-Parent-Teacher conferences.
If you have not signed up for a time slot, please do so soon. Presentation/Conferences begin Wednesday, November 10th and continue through Thursday, November 11th.

Thank you for your cooperation and see you Wednesday or Thursday!

Jr Choir Sings On November 7th

The Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, on November 7th, in the 10:45 worship service. We will warm up in the MultiPurpose Room at 10:25. I could use a few parents to help me by sitting in the balcony with the Jr. Choir. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WISCO Field Trip

Just a reminder that the 5th and 6th grade classes will be taking a field trip on Friday, October 15th, to watch the WISCO marching band concert. The bus will leave around 9:25 and should be back around 11:15. This is an outside concert, so please have the students dress accordingly.

The trip should not affect our lunch schedule.

Thank you!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jr. Choir - Thank you

I would like to thank all the parents who made the extra effort to bring their children to church early for warm-ups and to sing in second service. I feel the song went well. Next time, I will need some help in the balcony with monitoring students' behavior.

God bless your week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jr. Choir to Sing In Church

Jr. Choir will be singing in church this weekend, Oct. 3rd, at 10:45. Warm-ups will begin at 10:25 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child here promptly. If your child is unable to singing with the choir, please let me know BEFORE Sunday morning.

If you attend a different worship service, your child may leave the next time the congregation is singing. This will hopefully decrease the distraction of people moving during the worship service.

Thank you,
Mr. Frisque

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Field Trip to WISCO

On October 15th, the 5th & 6th grade students will be attending the Marching Band Field Show at WISCO. The show is from 10:00 - 10:45. We could use a few chaperons. If you are interested, please let Mr. Frisque know by Friday, October 1st. I need to let WISCO know how many people will be coming.

Due to limited space on the bus, some chaperons will need to drive. We will be leaving school around 9:25.

Thank you for your help getting the word out!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Singing In Church

Just a reminder that the sixth grade students sing in the 10:45 church service this weekend. Since it appears that the organ builder will be here this weekend to remove our current organ, the students will most likely sing from the front of church. Therefore I have asked them to wear nice, church clothes. Please no shorts. Also, we will meet in the sixth grade classroom at 10:25. I only have a couple of excuses, so please make every effort to bring your child on time. The students will sing right after the bells and then sit with their parents.

God's blessings!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday News

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The students were more talkative today! I guess they were excited for the Kickball Kickoff.

Some of the students were also a little cold today. That is a good reminder. Please help them to remember to bring a sweatshirt when the temperature seems like it might be a little cooler. We all have different comfortable temperature zones. Instead of closing windows for a couple of people, it would be easier to have a few people put on warmer clothing.


Hymnology: Hymn 426:1-4 memorized for next Friday

Social Studies: Interactive Student Notebook - pg. 4, #9-12 (These are thought questions and may not necessarily have black and white, right and wrong answers.

Math 1: Lesson 3, quiz on Tuesday

All other subjects have assignments made from previous days. 

See you in church over the weekend!

God's blessings and have a safe holiday weekend.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday News

Please sign up for the Sixth Grade eNews to be delivered to you e-mail. It does not happen immediately. Sometimes it takes 24 hours, but you will be able to get some of the news coming from the classroom.

Thank you for the Popsicles. The students appreciated them

Friday's kickball kickoff is a bit up in the air, depending on rain and wetness of the field.

The students do not need to wear their team colors, but may if they already have them at home. Do not feel like you have to scramble to get the proper colors.

I will not do this all the time, but to get the year off right, I am including some of the assignments from today. I will not add an assignment through the Blog.

Religion: ChristLight worksheet & parent letter (due Tuesday) Please sign the parent letter.

Memory: Gal. 4:4,5; 1 Jn 4:10 (due Friday)

Social Studies: None

Math 1: Lesson 2, quiz on Friday

English: Practice sheet 2, all exercises, (due Friday, might be Tuesday depending on the Kickball)

Thank you to those parents who signed the Jr. Choir Contracts.

Thank you also to everyone who volunteers. We cannot do it without you. If you haven't been volunteering, please start. We need more help. If you don't know how, please ask. What a great way to serve the Lord with gladness.

There are a few items which the class could still use from the 6th grade wish list. We could still use some tarps, Frisbees, and tubular webbing.

It appears the 4 pink slips went home today. Please check with your child to see if he/she was one of them.

God's blessings as we work together, "Walking the Path"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday's News

We had another great day today!

Memory work: Jn 3:16, Gal. 4:4-5 (due Tomorrow)

Christ Light Worksheet & Parent Letter (due Tomorrow) 

***Parents, please sign the parent letter***

Math 1, Lesson 1 (due Tomorrow) show as much work as is needed, Quiz tomorrow

English, Practice sheet 1, Ex. 1 & 2

Jr. Choir "Contracts" due Thursday

We could still use Popsicles tomorrow & Friday. Anyone interested in bringing them in???

God's blessings tonight, as we join together - "Walking the Path"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well....we made it through the first day of school. It was HOT! If any parent(s) would like to sign up to bring Popsicles one day this week, they would be welcomed. My wife supplied them for today.

We spent our day getting to know each other and hopefully learning something new about our classmates. We also talked about how we need to accept each other and that rejection can be painful.

God's blessings tonight as we go about "Walking the Path" together.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mosquito Repellent

On the first day of school, you may wish to bring some mosquito repellent to leave in you school bag. We just might be outside a bit, and those mosquitoes seem very hungry this year!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

6th Grade Wish List

I have been asked from time to time if I had a wish list of "things" I wanted for the classroom. So...this year I came up with a list of "things" we could use. I know some of them may seem a bit out of the ordinary.

1) 25 flying disks (aka - frisbees)
2) 20 Foam Pool Noodles (With or without the hole in the middle)
3) 3 Colored Nylon Ropes (100'/150' - Menards - $7.99)
4) 3 Tubular Webbing (50'+ each)
5) 3 Blue/Green/Brown Plastic Tarps (8' x 12' or so)

If you can help with any of the items, I would greatly appreciate it!

I have been contacted by a couple of parents concerning the wish list. I am told that #2-Foam Pool Noodles, are no longer needed, and #3-3 of the 6 Colored Ropes have been donated. Thank you to those individuals who have donated those items.

Please let me know if YOU will be donating any of the items so I can cross them off the list.
Thank you all, and God's blessings!

Friday, April 16, 2010

May 19th Field Trip

Just a quick note to let you know that the 5th & 6th grade field trip has been changed. It will NOT be to the ropes course, but will instead be to Discovery World.

Date: Wednesday, May 19th
Time: 9:30 - 3:00

5th Grade Chaperons:B. Rohleder, M. VanGrinsven, L. Burke, T. Spaude
6th Grade Chaperons: S. Davidson, E. Olson, B. Otto, M. Williams

Monday, March 29, 2010

Forensics, part two

Everyone got a blue ribbon on Saturday. Congratulations! And St. Jacobi had more boys there than any other school! Well done!

Since they ran out of ribbons, one of our students is waiting for hers to be mailed. We will wait until that arrives before we take the picture. Don't lose your ribbons before then.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Our forensics team did a great job at St. Paul's today! Thank God for your talent. Bring your ribbons on Monday so we can take a picture.
Thank you, parents, for getting everyone there on time. I hope you enjoyed listening to all the different presentations. I sure did. And I got some interesting ideas for pieces for next year.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Final forensics note

The competition is this Saturday at St. Paul's Muskego. Registration begins at 8:15.
I will be meeting with the students later this week to give them final details.
Parents, you are welcome to stay and watch. Each student presents his/her piece 3 times, before 3 different judges, and the total score determines the color of ribbon.
It's fun to see and hear all the different selections, and sometimes it helps to get an idea for a piece for next year.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Congratulations to all the sixth graders for working so hard on this. Your critique sheets will be returned tomorrow so you know what you did well and what you need to work on.

These are the students who will continue to practice so they can participate in the competition at St. Paul's Muskego on March 27:

Well done!

You should continue to practice at home, though not on a daily basis. There will be no coaches or classroom presentations until the week after teachers' conference. I will post a schedule for that next week.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great Start 6th Grade!!!

The 6th grade has just completed their forensic presentations in class. I was very impressed by their presentations and dedication to memorizing their pieces!!! Please look for future posts giving you info on upcoming forensic events by Mrs.Johnson.

Keep working hard 6th grade! Whether you love to be in front of an audience or not...you have talent that we would love to see grow!!!

more forensics

The in school competition has been set for Wednesday, February 24. Every student will prepare for this. S/he will do his/her piece in front of 2 judges in the MPR. Those who do well will be moving on to compete at St. Paul's Muskego on March 27. Each student has a schedule for receiving help from the many volunteer coaches at school. But that is only 3 times each over a period of 3 weeks. In addition, much practice is needed at home. To do well, a forensics piece should be practiced in front of an audience (parent, sibling, parent, pet, parent, mirror, parent) at least every other day until it is polished. I am looking forward to hearing most of the
sixth graders over the next few weeks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

more forensics

Since the time Mrs. Prekop posted, I have received a bit more information. The competition at St. Paul's Muskego will be held on Saturday, March 27, beginning at 9 a.m. Please let her know ASAP if there is a serious conflict that will not allow your child to attend. The in-school competition will probably be on or close to Thursday, February 26, depending on judges and availability of the MPR. Every 6th grader must be prepared for that, even if s/he is unable to go to the actual competition. It is a worthwhile experience in public speaking, even though some kids are terrified of it. (I know I strongly disliked giving speeches in school whereas one of my own kids loved it.) If a student needs help with preparing, s/he should speak to Mrs. Prekop. If anyone has a question about the event itself, you can ask either Mrs. Prekop or Mrs. Johnson, who is in the process of taking over the forensics program, and who is posting this blog. Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Forensics Schedule

January 14th- Piece chosen for presentation

January 18th- Have 3 different possible introductions written for your piece.

January 21, 25, and 26- Presentations in class (This will receive a grade equivalent to a test grade)

Please look at the the 6th grade packet that your child received this past Monday. This will help you to guide your child in selecting a piece. Only one of the four categories does not require the piece to be memorized, so it is important that your child get started right away.

Even though we have books and materials for your child to choose from at school, we would encourage you to take your child to your local library to find a piece.The following books provide possible selections for your child to use in Humorous Declamation and Interpretive Prose.

Modern Monologues for Young People, The Great Monologues, 50 Great Monologues for Student Actors, Encore! More Winning Monologues for Young Actors

If you have any questions just drop me an email (pprekop@stjacobi.org)

Thanks for your help!

Monday, January 4, 2010

6th Grade Forensics!

Your 6th graders have just begun learning the basics of a good forensics presentation. They were given a 6th grade forensics packet today, which explains all of the categories that they are able to choose from for their presentation. We have monologues and books at school for them to choose from, but they may need to make a trip or two to the library to obtain material. Look for future posts regarding forensics in the next month.

Just want to say how much I have enjoyed reading the interviews your kids conducted with older friends and relatives about their childhood Christmases! Look for excerpts from the interviews that will be featured in our upcoming school newspaper.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop