Sunday, January 10, 2010

more forensics

Since the time Mrs. Prekop posted, I have received a bit more information. The competition at St. Paul's Muskego will be held on Saturday, March 27, beginning at 9 a.m. Please let her know ASAP if there is a serious conflict that will not allow your child to attend. The in-school competition will probably be on or close to Thursday, February 26, depending on judges and availability of the MPR. Every 6th grader must be prepared for that, even if s/he is unable to go to the actual competition. It is a worthwhile experience in public speaking, even though some kids are terrified of it. (I know I strongly disliked giving speeches in school whereas one of my own kids loved it.) If a student needs help with preparing, s/he should speak to Mrs. Prekop. If anyone has a question about the event itself, you can ask either Mrs. Prekop or Mrs. Johnson, who is in the process of taking over the forensics program, and who is posting this blog. Stay tuned for further updates.

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