Thursday, May 26, 2011

Picture Apologies For Dog Days

All of those pictures I took at Monday and Wednesday's Dog Days appear to have not been taken at all. When I opened my camera to take out the memory card...there was no memory card to take out. Not sure I understand how that could happen since my camera doesn't take pictures without a card, but I must have taken two days worth of pictures that weren't pictures at all. Very ticked at myself!!!

Regardless...I know the kids really enjoyed meeting all of your dogs! The purpose of having your dogs come to visit was to give the 6th graders the opportunity to share the love they have for their dogs. The main character in our story Where the Red Fern Grows truly loves his dogs, and his dogs love and are incredibly dedicated to him. What a great opportunity to be able to share this gift of God that we are given through the pets we are blessed with.

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