Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Camp Philip Update

A few changes to our schedule

· The Monday group will leave at 9:00. The Tuesday group will leave at 9:30. Everyone should bring a bag lunch to eat when we get there.

· No electronics will be allowed

· Please bring a Bible, sleeping bag/pillow and personal care items. A “what to bring to camp” list is posted outside Mrs. Rohleder's door.

· Please bring an extra pair of shoes, it is very muddy. Along with warm clothes for campfire

· The Camp store will be open briefly before we depart. Check the website for items/prices

· All medications must be labeled with directions for the nurse to dispense

I'm stopping at the bus company next week to look at the luggage rack and see how we will fit. Many parents will be driving with our stuff too.

Any questions or things I may have missed?


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