Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great Start 6th Grade!!!

The 6th grade has just completed their forensic presentations in class. I was very impressed by their presentations and dedication to memorizing their pieces!!! Please look for future posts giving you info on upcoming forensic events by Mrs.Johnson.

Keep working hard 6th grade! Whether you love to be in front of an audience or have talent that we would love to see grow!!!

more forensics

The in school competition has been set for Wednesday, February 24. Every student will prepare for this. S/he will do his/her piece in front of 2 judges in the MPR. Those who do well will be moving on to compete at St. Paul's Muskego on March 27. Each student has a schedule for receiving help from the many volunteer coaches at school. But that is only 3 times each over a period of 3 weeks. In addition, much practice is needed at home. To do well, a forensics piece should be practiced in front of an audience (parent, sibling, parent, pet, parent, mirror, parent) at least every other day until it is polished. I am looking forward to hearing most of the
sixth graders over the next few weeks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

more forensics

Since the time Mrs. Prekop posted, I have received a bit more information. The competition at St. Paul's Muskego will be held on Saturday, March 27, beginning at 9 a.m. Please let her know ASAP if there is a serious conflict that will not allow your child to attend. The in-school competition will probably be on or close to Thursday, February 26, depending on judges and availability of the MPR. Every 6th grader must be prepared for that, even if s/he is unable to go to the actual competition. It is a worthwhile experience in public speaking, even though some kids are terrified of it. (I know I strongly disliked giving speeches in school whereas one of my own kids loved it.) If a student needs help with preparing, s/he should speak to Mrs. Prekop. If anyone has a question about the event itself, you can ask either Mrs. Prekop or Mrs. Johnson, who is in the process of taking over the forensics program, and who is posting this blog. Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Forensics Schedule

January 14th- Piece chosen for presentation

January 18th- Have 3 different possible introductions written for your piece.

January 21, 25, and 26- Presentations in class (This will receive a grade equivalent to a test grade)

Please look at the the 6th grade packet that your child received this past Monday. This will help you to guide your child in selecting a piece. Only one of the four categories does not require the piece to be memorized, so it is important that your child get started right away.

Even though we have books and materials for your child to choose from at school, we would encourage you to take your child to your local library to find a piece.The following books provide possible selections for your child to use in Humorous Declamation and Interpretive Prose.

Modern Monologues for Young People, The Great Monologues, 50 Great Monologues for Student Actors, Encore! More Winning Monologues for Young Actors

If you have any questions just drop me an email (

Thanks for your help!

Monday, January 4, 2010

6th Grade Forensics!

Your 6th graders have just begun learning the basics of a good forensics presentation. They were given a 6th grade forensics packet today, which explains all of the categories that they are able to choose from for their presentation. We have monologues and books at school for them to choose from, but they may need to make a trip or two to the library to obtain material. Look for future posts regarding forensics in the next month.

Just want to say how much I have enjoyed reading the interviews your kids conducted with older friends and relatives about their childhood Christmases! Look for excerpts from the interviews that will be featured in our upcoming school newspaper.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop