Thursday, January 27, 2011

Research Papers for 6th & 7th Grade

Well, we have begun the adventure of writing research papers. So far we have explored the different topic possibilities. The research papers must be somehow connected to the Science Fair project. We have also begun searching for sources. The students are required to have a minimum of 5 sources which included 3 different types of resources. Different resources may include but are not limited to the following: interviews, books, magazines, encyclopedias (NOT Wikipedia), internet sites, and videos. The whole research paper will be due the end of February or beginning of March. I still need to finalize due dates.

The students have been instructed to explore for ideas as well as for help in how to complete both the research paper as well as the Science Fair project. is NOT a requirement, but rather simply a helpful starting point. It may not help everyone.

God’s blessings on the work ahead!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lunch Following The Magic Bicycle

All moms are invited to lunch following "The Magic Bicycle" this Thursday. We will be eating at Sobelmans Grill-1900 west St. Paul Avenue. (414-931-1919) The Travel Channel's "Food Wars" show visited Sobelman's last April to do a story on their nationally known burgers. In honor of the Green Bay victory,they just added "The Spank" burger to their menu-a prime angus beef patty dripping with wisconsin nacho cheddar cheese and topped with fresh pico de gallo. Burger platters run around six to seven dollars.

Thank you!
Beth Ann Van Grinsven

Chaperone Lunch

All moms/dads are invited to lunch following "The Magic Bicycle" this Thursday. We will be eating at Sobelmans Grill-1900 west St. Paul Avenue. (414-931-1919) The Travel Channel's "Food Wars" show visited Sobelman's last April to do a story on their nationally known burgers. In honor of the Green Bay victory,they just added "The Spank" burger to their menu-a prime angus beef patty dripping with wisconsin nacho cheddar cheese and topped with fresh pico de gallo. Burger platters run around six to seven dollars.

Thank you!
Beth Ann Van Grinsven

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jr. Choir Sings This Sunday

Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, January 23 at 8:15. Warmups will begin at 7:55 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please send any excuses to Mr. Frisque before Sunday morning.

Thank you!
Mr. Frisque

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lunch Invite To Moms

could you post a 6/8th blog inviting moms out to lunch-they can contact me @
Thank you!
Beth Ann Van Grinsven

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Field Trip Jan. 27th, First Stage

Just sending out a reminder to all of the parents that signed up to chaperon for the field trip to The Magic Bicycle at First Stage. Please be at school the morning of Thursday, Jan. 27th at 9:15 a.m. We should be back to school no later than 11:45 a.m. Thank you for helping!

Bus Chaperons: Rena Waack, Elizabeth Krutz, Brandenburg, Bertram, Bluhm

Those taking a car: T. Swezey, Spaude, B. Van Grinsven, Emmrich, Barnharst, Hopp

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6th Grade Forensics

By now your child should have brought home a 6th grade forensic packet with all of the descriptions of categories they have to choose from for their presentations. We have materials at school for their forensics, but you may want to go to your local library to find other material.
Your child must have their piece chosen by Thurs., Jan. 13th.
Introductory paragraph must be written by Tues., Jan. 18th
Class presentations will begin on Monday Jan. 24 and run through Jan. 27, and will begin with the presentation of the Interpretive Prose pieces, as they do not need to be memorized.
The presentations are graded and are the equivalent of a test score.

All pieces must be a minimum of 3 1/2 mins. long with introduction.
Please encourage your child to practice in front of you so they can grow accustom to having an audience.

The in school competition is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 10th
The St. Paul's Muskego competition will be March 12th