Thursday, October 14, 2010

WISCO Field Trip

Just a reminder that the 5th and 6th grade classes will be taking a field trip on Friday, October 15th, to watch the WISCO marching band concert. The bus will leave around 9:25 and should be back around 11:15. This is an outside concert, so please have the students dress accordingly.

The trip should not affect our lunch schedule.

Thank you!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jr. Choir - Thank you

I would like to thank all the parents who made the extra effort to bring their children to church early for warm-ups and to sing in second service. I feel the song went well. Next time, I will need some help in the balcony with monitoring students' behavior.

God bless your week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jr. Choir to Sing In Church

Jr. Choir will be singing in church this weekend, Oct. 3rd, at 10:45. Warm-ups will begin at 10:25 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child here promptly. If your child is unable to singing with the choir, please let me know BEFORE Sunday morning.

If you attend a different worship service, your child may leave the next time the congregation is singing. This will hopefully decrease the distraction of people moving during the worship service.

Thank you,
Mr. Frisque