Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Field Trip to WISCO

On October 15th, the 5th & 6th grade students will be attending the Marching Band Field Show at WISCO. The show is from 10:00 - 10:45. We could use a few chaperons. If you are interested, please let Mr. Frisque know by Friday, October 1st. I need to let WISCO know how many people will be coming.

Due to limited space on the bus, some chaperons will need to drive. We will be leaving school around 9:25.

Thank you for your help getting the word out!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Singing In Church

Just a reminder that the sixth grade students sing in the 10:45 church service this weekend. Since it appears that the organ builder will be here this weekend to remove our current organ, the students will most likely sing from the front of church. Therefore I have asked them to wear nice, church clothes. Please no shorts. Also, we will meet in the sixth grade classroom at 10:25. I only have a couple of excuses, so please make every effort to bring your child on time. The students will sing right after the bells and then sit with their parents.

God's blessings!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday News

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The students were more talkative today! I guess they were excited for the Kickball Kickoff.

Some of the students were also a little cold today. That is a good reminder. Please help them to remember to bring a sweatshirt when the temperature seems like it might be a little cooler. We all have different comfortable temperature zones. Instead of closing windows for a couple of people, it would be easier to have a few people put on warmer clothing.


Hymnology: Hymn 426:1-4 memorized for next Friday

Social Studies: Interactive Student Notebook - pg. 4, #9-12 (These are thought questions and may not necessarily have black and white, right and wrong answers.

Math 1: Lesson 3, quiz on Tuesday

All other subjects have assignments made from previous days. 

See you in church over the weekend!

God's blessings and have a safe holiday weekend.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday News

Please sign up for the Sixth Grade eNews to be delivered to you e-mail. It does not happen immediately. Sometimes it takes 24 hours, but you will be able to get some of the news coming from the classroom.

Thank you for the Popsicles. The students appreciated them

Friday's kickball kickoff is a bit up in the air, depending on rain and wetness of the field.

The students do not need to wear their team colors, but may if they already have them at home. Do not feel like you have to scramble to get the proper colors.

I will not do this all the time, but to get the year off right, I am including some of the assignments from today. I will not add an assignment through the Blog.

Religion: ChristLight worksheet & parent letter (due Tuesday) Please sign the parent letter.

Memory: Gal. 4:4,5; 1 Jn 4:10 (due Friday)

Social Studies: None

Math 1: Lesson 2, quiz on Friday

English: Practice sheet 2, all exercises, (due Friday, might be Tuesday depending on the Kickball)

Thank you to those parents who signed the Jr. Choir Contracts.

Thank you also to everyone who volunteers. We cannot do it without you. If you haven't been volunteering, please start. We need more help. If you don't know how, please ask. What a great way to serve the Lord with gladness.

There are a few items which the class could still use from the 6th grade wish list. We could still use some tarps, Frisbees, and tubular webbing.

It appears the 4 pink slips went home today. Please check with your child to see if he/she was one of them.

God's blessings as we work together, "Walking the Path"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday's News

We had another great day today!

Memory work: Jn 3:16, Gal. 4:4-5 (due Tomorrow)

Christ Light Worksheet & Parent Letter (due Tomorrow) 

***Parents, please sign the parent letter***

Math 1, Lesson 1 (due Tomorrow) show as much work as is needed, Quiz tomorrow

English, Practice sheet 1, Ex. 1 & 2

Jr. Choir "Contracts" due Thursday

We could still use Popsicles tomorrow & Friday. Anyone interested in bringing them in???

God's blessings tonight, as we join together - "Walking the Path"