Monday, March 29, 2010

Forensics, part two

Everyone got a blue ribbon on Saturday. Congratulations! And St. Jacobi had more boys there than any other school! Well done!

Since they ran out of ribbons, one of our students is waiting for hers to be mailed. We will wait until that arrives before we take the picture. Don't lose your ribbons before then.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Our forensics team did a great job at St. Paul's today! Thank God for your talent. Bring your ribbons on Monday so we can take a picture.
Thank you, parents, for getting everyone there on time. I hope you enjoyed listening to all the different presentations. I sure did. And I got some interesting ideas for pieces for next year.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Final forensics note

The competition is this Saturday at St. Paul's Muskego. Registration begins at 8:15.
I will be meeting with the students later this week to give them final details.
Parents, you are welcome to stay and watch. Each student presents his/her piece 3 times, before 3 different judges, and the total score determines the color of ribbon.
It's fun to see and hear all the different selections, and sometimes it helps to get an idea for a piece for next year.