Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Party

A note about the Christmas Party will be coming home today. Please ask your child for it. Sheri Davidson in coordinating it in case you have any questions.
Thank you!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Looking ahead to the week of December 7th

  • We will be working hard on memorizing material for the Christmas service. Please listen to your child recite, so they truly know their "stuff".
  • Look for a memo coming home to you from Mrs. Davidson concerning the children's Christmas party.
  • Hymn 441:vs. 1 & 3 is due on Monday, December 7th
  • Social Studies Test chapter 3 is scheduled for Friday.
  • English Test #8 is scheduled for Wednesday. Please memorize those vocab. words!

Thank you to those parents who helped me out Sunday morning by sitting with the students. I really appreciate that you did that for me!

God's blessings, and have a great week!