Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Party

A note about the Christmas Party will be coming home today. Please ask your child for it. Sheri Davidson in coordinating it in case you have any questions.
Thank you!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Looking ahead to the week of December 7th

  • We will be working hard on memorizing material for the Christmas service. Please listen to your child recite, so they truly know their "stuff".
  • Look for a memo coming home to you from Mrs. Davidson concerning the children's Christmas party.
  • Hymn 441:vs. 1 & 3 is due on Monday, December 7th
  • Social Studies Test chapter 3 is scheduled for Friday.
  • English Test #8 is scheduled for Wednesday. Please memorize those vocab. words!

Thank you to those parents who helped me out Sunday morning by sitting with the students. I really appreciate that you did that for me!

God's blessings, and have a great week!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Math Test

There will be a math test on Thursday.

English Test

There will be an English Test on Tuesday. Test #7. Study those vocabulary words!

Social Studies Test

There will be a social studies test on Wednesday based on chapter 2, Mesopotamia. Study guides will be handed out on Monday.

Singing in Church December 6th

Parents, the sixth grade students will be singing in church on Sunday, December 6th in the late service. Please meet in the balcony by 10:40. I will be playing organ for that worship service, so I am looking for parents to supervise the students. Please let me know ASAP if you will be able to help me out.

Christmas Gift Exchange

We will be drawing names this week for the Christmas gift exchange. Gifts should be around $5. Boys will exchange names with boys, and girls will exchange with girls. Please bring gifts the week of December 14th.

Christmas Decoration Help

Any moms or dads who really like to decorate for Christmas. I am looking for someone to be the chief classroom decorator for the sixth grade classroom. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Frisque.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attention Parents Of Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country Participants!

We need your action shots, from all of our St.Jacobi fall sports, for our school newspaper! If you can help out, please contact Peggy Prekop. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Dog Days" A Success!!!

Thank you to all the parents and dogs that helped make "Dog Days" a success!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

“Dog Days”

“Dog Days”
We have been reading the novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, as our first novel in 6th grade literature. We would like to invite all of our student’s dogs to come visit our class as a culminating end to this wonderful classic novel about a boy and his dogs. A sign up sheet will be posted in the 6th grade room. Please come and join us, even if you don’t have a dog!

Dates: Monday Sept. 28 & Wednesday Sept. 30
Time: 2:40-3:10
We will meet at the back of the school in the open field at 2:40. Please be sure to bring along plastic bags to clean up after your loveable friends. We will be dividing our dogs into two groups (one group on each of the two days) so that the kids may have enough time to visit with all of your dogs. I will be sending the kids in groups of 3 or 4 to visit each dog. The student owner of each dog is welcome to stay with their dog on the day of their visit.

For safety reasons, we ask that you have your dog back in your car by the last bell at 3:10. We want to avoid crowds of kids, who would love to meet your dogs, running across the parking lot and possibly getting hit by an incoming car… We discourage anyone bringing pets to school, unless they are kept in the car, for this very same reason.

We’re looking forward to you and your canine friend’s visit!!! If you have any questions, please email me at pprekop@stjacobi.org.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who's Your Role Model?

I know, sixth graders, that school hasn't even started yet, but I do have an assignment for you. I want you to start thinking about who your main role model is and why that person is a great role model for you. Start thinking...we'll talk more about your choice when school gets started.